You may have arrived here because…

  • You have directly experienced, witnessed, or heard about trauma and are struggling to cope with the situation you are in.
  • You do not feel like others understand and are isolating yourself because you do not want to show others what is going on inside.
  • You are finding it more and more difficult to manage day to day experiences and work through personal trauma triggers.
  • You may have worked through this trauma to a certain point, but you are unable to function to your usual and wanted capacity – whether it is in your relationship, with your family, at work, or out in public.
  • You are ready to move past this trauma, but you do not know how to make the next step.

However, you came here, I am glad and honored you are here now. Read on to see if my counseling for trauma will help you.

You may find it difficult to navigate life right now and find purpose in life.

Trauma may make you feel disconnected from yourself and put you in a survival state for the sake of keeping up appearances for those around you. This makes it hard to engage with the highs(joys) and lows(sadness) in life.

Clients I have worked with describe this experience as feeling hollow and stuck. You are doing your day-to-day tasks to keep afloat, but you are not mentally or emotionally present in what you are doing because you are overly aware of the potential triggers and dread another flashback or depressive feeling could create.

You may feel discouraged and distressed knowing that your life has changed because of your past and/or current trauma. You may feel that because you are still struggling with trauma you have failed in some way. This can lead to a feelings of sinking dread and sadness.

You want a space where you can express these challenges and step out of your day-to-day survival skills to learn how to thrive once again. To take a compassionate, safe, and a deep look into why this trauma is still lingering and what we can do to move forward.

“If we climb high enough, we will reach a height from which tragedy ceases to look tragic.” – Irvin D. Yalom

I work with trauma as an opportunity for growth

I offer education, practical tools, humanistic interventions, and evidence-based skills to help you recover from trauma. I journey with you through different ways to engage with past and/or current trauma.

Trauma is a signal to ourselves to redefine the way we see, engage, and experience the world around us. In this way we are seeking a significant change in our life. This does not mean that you are weak, alone, or lost.

I want to help you engage and reconnect with your core beliefs and values empowering you to take a closer look into why this trauma still haunts you and how we can make changes that align with your goals in life.

In taking these steps you need to find a space to recover from trauma rather than simply surviving it. So, you can find balance in a more fulfilled life. Hoping to return to common life experiences with a different sense of purpose and excitement; and to feel invigorated!

My experience working with trauma

I have worked with children, couples, adolescents, college students, adults, and veterans through trauma. Each journey is unique and comes with its own challenges to overcome. Your path and journey through trauma will be different and in that sentiment is HOPE. You can create your own growth through this process and no one can define it for you.

By participating in continuous trauma training classes and courses; I can fully engage with the trauma experience and help guide you through the healing journey.

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